The Grishaverse
The Grishaverse

Fjerda is the northernmost nation bordering Ravka to the south. It harbors many mountains.

Fjerdans perceive Grisha power as dangerous and witch-like, and they train their Drüskelle to hunt and kill Grisha. This hostility puts Fjerda at odds with Ravka, who train their Grisha as soldiers.

Northern Fjerda is also home to the Hedjut people.

International Relationships


According to Matthias, Ravka is "Fjerda's greatest enemy."[1]The Fjerdans see Ravka's large number of Grisha as unnatural and dangerous.

Fjerdan Culture

Appearance and Clothing

Typical Fjerdans have pale complexions, blue eyes, and blond hair. Traditional attire includes thick clothing spun of rough materials that is often described as shapeless or ugly by the other nations.

When Nina and Matthias posed as Fjerdan defectors in Crooked Kingdom, Nina wore a blonde wig, a dress that she describes as "dowdy," and a small knitted vest.[2]According to Matthias, this is an outfit that would be worn on the first day of Roennigsdjel, a Fjerdan festival.[3] In this scene, Matthias wears a tufted cap and a wooly red vest, clothes that might be representative of what male Fjerdan citizens wear.[4]

Daily Life

Fjerdans are said to have village dances.[5]

There seems to be a somewhat strict courtship culture in Fjerda, at least according to Matthias. He claims that, in Fjerda, a man asks permission to have a chaperoned walk with the woman he's courting, and that a man is expected to dine with the woman's family at least three times before the two would be left alone together. He also claims that he would bring the woman he courts gifts such as winter roses and a silver comb.[6]

Fjerdan women, according to Matthias, "speak quietly."[7]

Fjerdan Cities

  • Djerholm - capital city
  • Elling
  • Avfalle
  • Elbjen
  • Gäfvalle
  • Gjela
  • Felsted
  • Kejerut
  • Overüt
  • Hjar
  • Halmhend
  • Engelsberg, a fishing town

Known Fjerdans

Technological Advances

Fjerda is well known for their heavy advancements in technology, like engines that power wagons and tanks, steel aircraft that works without grisha squallers, all in the span of one year. They are also a proponent of testing jurda parem on the grisha they capture.


  • Fjerda is based on Scandinavia.


  1. "They were supposed to set Kuwei loose to live an anonymous life in Novyi Zem, not hand him over to Fjerda's greateset enemy." Crooked Kingdom, page 44
  2. "'Here,' Matthias said, handing her the blonde wig... and a pile of clothes. ... she could tell the dress was spectacularly dowdy, and she had no words for the little knitted vest." Crooked Kingdom, page 189
  3. "'You could be a maiden on the first day of Roennigsdjel.'" Crooked Kingdom, page 189
  4. "'What exactly are you wearing?'" Nina asked, staring at the tufted cap and woolly red vest Matthias had put on over his clothes." Crooked Kingdom, page 188
  5. "'Our first kiss would be in a sunlit wood or under a starry sky after a village dance...'" Crooked Kingdom, page 234
  6. Crooked Kingdom, page 234
  7. "'They speak quietly. They don't engage in flirtations with every single man they meet.'" Crooked Kingdom, page 235