The Grishaverse
The Grishaverse
Materialki symbol

Materialki, (singular: Materialnik) or the Order of Fabrikators, are Grisha whose power focuses on composite materials such as metal, glass, textiles, and chemicals. This Order consists of Durasts and Alkemi; collectively, they are commonly referred to as Fabrikators.

Despite being looked down upon by Corporalki and Etherealki alike under the Darkling's rule, Materialki have created many innovations that are used for various purposes in Ravka and internationally. Examples of these include Materialki corecloth, Grisha steel, Fabrikator glass, blasting powders; luminya (a type of liquid fire), and several other inventions.

In the Second Army, the Materialki wear purple kefta. They were represented by David Kostyk in The Grisha Triumvirate. Leoni is their current representative.


Main article: Durasts

Durasts deal with solids such as Grisha steel, corecloth, textiles and glass. In the Second Army, Durasts wear purple keftas embroidered with gray details.

Known Durasts[]


Main article: Alkemi

Alkemi specialize in poisons, blasting powders, and other chemicals. In the Second Army, Alkemi wear purple keftas that are embroidered with red details.

Known Alkemi[]


Materialki were once considered the lowest-ranking of the Grisha Orders, meaning that they were not trained as combat soldiers in the Second Army. However, under the current leadership of the Grisha Triumvirate, as well as by influence from both Alina Starkov and Nikolai Lantsov, Materialki are trained in combat and are becoming increasingly valuable in the Second Army.


  • The word Materialki comes from the latin word materia which means material, matter, or substance.