The Grishaverse
The Grishaverse

Yaromir Lantsov, known as Yaromir the Determined, was the first Lantsov king. He united and founded Ravka.


Yaromir brought together warring provinces and united the kings under his double-eagle banner.

According to historical legend, Yaromir built an altar atop a hill in Os Alta, where he prayed to the Saints for strength in the new Ravka's wars against Fjerda and Shu Han. A group of warrior monks who could transform into animals arrived the next day and offered to fight with Yaromir.[1] Sankt Feliks fought for Yaromir in the shape of a hawk.[2] The monks asked for one of them to always remain at the king's side, so that Ravka would be devoted to the Saints forever. When the battle was over, they endured the obisbaya ritual, and the leader took his place next to Yaromir. The priest closest to the king became the first Apparat, while his men became the Priestguard.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 King of Scars, chapter 9
  2. The Lives of Saints, Sankt Feliks Among the Boughs